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Come visit the museum and view these colorful and interesting exhibits. The museum is conveniently located at 106 Church Street, next to the Hackettstown Free Public Library. For more information on the Historical Society and its events, please call the museum at 908-852-8797 or email us

News and Events


For latest news and events, please visit, "like," and "follow" our Facebook page at

The museum is open on

Wednesday 2-4, Friday 2-4, and Sunday 2-4

If you plan on visiting please call, email, or message us on Facebook ahead of time. We do welcome walk-ins when open.

We can also open if you make an appointment



Our Open House this year is on Sunday, March 10, 2024 from 2-4pm! This will coincide with Hackettstown's St. Patrick's Day Parade, and Hackettstown History Month. Our featured displays will be a collection of rocks and minerals from Northern New Jersey, as well as a display on prospecting and mining those minerals in order to use them for our benefit. The rock & mineral collection, as well as mining collection are here courtesy of Gary Moldovany. Gary is a USN Veteran, Surveyor, local mineral collector and dealer, as well as proprietor of "Just Keep A Rockin'".

Gary will also be our featured spaeker at 3pm, and will be talking about how he got into rock collecting, then later into dealing, as well as about the items on display. We also have on display our collection of milk bottles and cans from most of the 24 dairies which are known to have operated in, and/or close to Hackettstown.

Free refreshments will be served, and members of the Society will be on hand to help if you have questions about the Museum, the Society, or the History of Hackettstown itself. We can also help guide you on researching your family history and/or the history of your house! Please also visit our upstairs displays, which will also be open to the public. If you can't make it to the Open House, we will be open our regular hours, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, from 2-4pm.


Meetings are free, and open to the general public. Light refreshments are provided.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, beginning at 7:00pm

at the American Legion Hall, 494 Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown

"The Three Types of Historical Fiction"

Are you a fan of Historical fiction, such as the "Outlander" series, by Diana Gabaldon, "The Cemetery Keeper's Wife", by local author Maryann McFadden, or even older books, such as "The First Rebel", and "The Judas Tree", by Neil H. Swanson? (Google those last two books for details). Elissa P. Matthews, local author, and writer of "Where the River Bends", will be giving a presentation on the three main types of historic fiction, showing how one may be just the perfect read for you, while other styles may leave you a bit flat.

As always, a variety of free refreshments will be served, and you'll have the opportunity to purchase our unique T-shirts, panoramic maps, and various other Hackettstown memorabilia. Our Officers and Board will be there to answer any questions you may have about Hackettstown area history, as well as any other questions you may have about the Society or Museum! Join us!


Rocks and minerals of Northern NJ, and the Tools used to find and mine them. Courtesy of Gary Moldovany, with additional items courtesy of Phil Dzielski.

Milk bottles and Cans of Hackettstown's Historic Dairy Industry

Historic Toys and Influential Hackettstown Musicians, including the Cornet of famed Cornet Soloist, multiinstrumentalist, and "March Wizard", J.C. Heed

Our 1880's, Children's, Textile/Clothing & Accesories, and Business/Map Rooms are also all open for viewing on the second floor. Visit our research library and/or request that one of our Volunteers search our files to see what information we may have on your family, or your house.

We have Historical Society T-shirts, Hackettstown "Ghost" T-shirts, and various and sundry books, memorabilia and $5 "History Mystery" bags & boxes for sale!

A special shout-out goes to those making donations, becoming Members, and/or volunteering! Without your support we couldn't fulfill our mission to collect, preserve, and display items relevant to the long and diverse history of Hackettstown, and its nearby areas! Another shout-out to the Town of Hackettstown, and the DPW, who do the primary maintenance and care of "our house," the Museum! Thank you all SO MUCH, from the Officers and Board of Trustees of the Hackettstown Historical Society -Phil Dzielski, Vice President and Director of Media Resources

Please remember, the museum is ever changing, I love the quote, “History comes alive at our House.” Please come and bring the children. Gwen Chaar, President Emeritus and current Board Member

Meetings are held at the American Legion Post 164, Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.

You may contact the Hackettstown HistoricalSociety museum @908-852-8797 or at


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HHS Meeting Schedule
Regular monthly meetings of the Hackettstown Historical Society are held in March, April, May, September October and November at the American Legion Home, 494 Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown. Meetings begin at 7:00 and are open to the public. Refreshments are served.
December: Holiday Open House at the museum - date announced in advance For more information on the Historical Society and its events, please call the museum at 908-852-8797.
News Articles and Archives
Read news articles that have been published in previous months.
Do You Know Me?

This photo, identified as Ezra Wilson, was taken by I.G. Owen, a one-time Hackettstown photographer, in a studio in Newton. If you know who this ancestor is, or have more information about him, please contact the Hackettstown Historic Society.
Click here for a larger picture.